

What Coverage is Right for Me?

What Coverage is Right for Me?

Claims Made vs. Occurrence Medical Professional Liability (MPL) Coverage When selecting a medical malpractice/medical professional liability (MPL) policy, there are two types of coverages to choose between – claims made and occurrence. What are the main differences...

The EMTALA Strikes Back

The EMTALA Strikes Back

The EMTALA Strikes Back: An Independent Hospital Duty to Comply with Federal Law, or a Duty Transferable to Physicians via Indemnification Clauses? In what could have significant implications to physician groups providing services to hospital emergency departments...

Informed Consent vs. Medical Negligence

Informed Consent vs. Medical Negligence

Informed Consent vs. Medical Negligence  The Iowa Supreme Court recently decided that it is a factual question under the informed consent doctrine as to whether surgeons need to disclose their experience to patients prior to performing surgeries.  The Court...

How Blockchain Can Make Patients More Valuable

How Blockchain Can Make Patients More Valuable

How Blockchain Can Make Patients More Valuable  In 2012, NFL Hall-of-Fame linebacker Junior Seau tragically committed suicide by shooting himself in the chest. He did so to preserve his brain so that his condition, chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), could be...

Cross-Examining Watson: How to Sue a Robot

Cross-Examining Watson: How to Sue a Robot

Cross-Examining Watson: How to Sue a Robot  An Appellate Court in NJ recently revisited the affidavit of merit statute, yet again, but this time with a twist. One question before the Court in Skounakis v. Sotillo was whether a physician was qualified to give an...

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