What We Do
Acadia works with thousands of physicians throughout the US to help ensure that they have access to – and extensive data on – the best available risk solutions. Acadia is widely regarded as the national authority on healthcare risk. We have access to every major medical professional liability (MPL) carrier. We consistently innovate to improve processes and build new products.
Who We Serve
Acadia supports physicians and other healthcare leaders throughout the US. Our market access and sophisticated processes are designed to support healthcare professionals ranging from the largest and most innovative risk takers to the fiercely independent private practitioners. Learn more about how we can support your unique needs by reading about our client relationships.
Founders Message
Acadia was first formed to provide physicians with world-class service and unparalleled access to medical professional liability carriers and solutions. Nearly a decade later, Acadia has established itself as the national leader in healthcare risk. We have access to every major US carrier and an innovative team that consistently outperforms the largest brokerages in the world.
As healthcare evolves, so too does Acadia. We have established ourselves as the authority on risk related to MSOs, mergers and acquisitions, and value-based care. When physicians and other healthcare professional want the best protection from professional and financial risk, they contact us.
We pride ourselves on our knowledge, innovation, and service. We look forward to continuing to support our current clients and working with more leading healthcare professionals in the future.
– Scott Parker

Request a Quote
We can obtain quotes from a number of medical professional liability (MPL) insurance carriers – no application and no cost to you.